Thursday, January 09, 2025

2024 NFL Throwback Review

Twenty NFL teams wore throwback uniforms this year. See link for more photos. Very nice. Falcons Bears Saints Browns Packers Cowboys Buccaneers Giants Jets Patriots Raiders Jaguars Dolphins Broncos Seahawks Vikings Steelers Eagles 49ers Titans. Teams without throwbacks are Bills Panthers Texans Colts Chargers Rams Chiefs Lions Bengals Redskins Ravens Cardinals – several of these teams could easily wear throwbacks.


Here’s a breakdown of the good, the bad, and ugly. Just wish teams would plan better to create more good looking games.

Bears throwback + a classic uni

Browns throwback + a classic uni

Buccaneers throwbacks + a classic uni

Cowboys throwback + a classic uni

49ers throwbacks home & road + a classic uni

Giants had 2 throwbacks plus a classic uni

Jets throwback + Sac Exchange uni

Packers throwback + a classic uni

Raiders throwback + a classic uni

Steelers throwback plus a classic uni

Chargers have a classic uni

Chiefs have a classic uni

Colts have a classic uni

Dolphins throwbacks home & road

Broncos throwback

Eagles throwback

Falcons wore throwbacks the max 3 times

Jaguars throwback

Patriots throwback

Saints throwback

Seahawks throwback

Titans use Oilers throwback

Vikings throwback

Bengals need a throwback

Bills need a throwback

Cardinals need throwbacks, have a classic helmet

Commanders need a throwback

Lions need a throwback

Panthers wore 13 diff combos (most bad)

Rams need throwbacks. Yellow jersey is close. 

Ravens too new for throwbacks but have decent unis

Texans too new

M brought a truckload of his stuff back home. We helped him unload it. Supper was Mexican leftovers, as C had eaten a late lunch. She’s been baking “healthy” sourdough bread and cinnamon bread.

Due to the cold I wore jeans to work today. I rarely wear jeans. Don’t like the way they feel or look. Also wore my rarely worn but warm Puma RSX hightops, which I have up for sale. Might wear my Nike Air Max Turf hightops tomorrow for warmth. Yesterday I wore some Cole Haans that didn’t keep me warm.

Currently down to 9 emails in my to do list, which is the lowest in months. I still have several big projects I need to get done.

You guys ready for the snow? Let me know if y’all need anything.

Small group tonight, on the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37

25. a lawyer tested Jesus, asking “what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

26. Jesus asked “what is written in the Law?”

27. the lawyer replied “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

28. Jesus said “You have answered correctly, do this and you’ll have eternal life.”

29. The lawyer asked “who is my neighbor?”

30. Jesus: “A man on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and left him for dead.

31. a priest was walking that road, but passed by on the other side.

32. a Levite also passed on the other side of the road.

33. But a Samaritan had compassion,

34. and bound his wounds, put him on his animal, took him to the inn and cared for him.

35. The next day the Samaritan paid the innkeeper to care for him.”

36. Jesus asked “which of these three proved to be a neighbor to the man who was robbed?”

37. The lawyer replied “The one who showed him mercy”.

Jesus replied “Go and do likewise”.

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