Thursday, July 11, 2024

Letting Kids Be Kids

Some young ladies I know are getting close to the age to do things like parasailing  No, not Shivonne and Millie. Seems like parents these days are allowing kids younger than them to do things earlier and earlier. The bad thing about that is that what will they want to do next? Shivvy is already reenacting scenes from Titantic. "I'm the king of the world!"
Years ago we saw that with some of our nephews and nieces when we were at the beach, being allowed to do things at way too early of an age - so young that it was almost dangerous. Sadly at times the enablers weren't the parents but grandparents. Ceil and I did our best to keep things age appropriate for our kids. This was years ago and a different time, but we tried to not give cell phones to our kids until it was absolutely necessary. It did help that phones were banned at their school. All of our kids' nephews and nieces had phones before Anna and Matthew had phones. Ceil's parents felt sorry for them, and paid for their phones. Had Ceil and I said no, we would've been the bad guys. Her parents shouldn't have put us in that spot. Now research proves out that smartphones cause depression and anxiety and even mental illness, particularly in kids aged 11-15. 

Not long ago Shivonne and Millie made their first trip to Rock Eagle, an experience I most assuredly endorse.
The WNBA is about to shut down for a month, first for the all star break and then the Olympics. Perhaps there will be lots of practice basketball games between nations on TV like last night.

Sounds like the former UGA player on the men's team USA is going to be one of the main producers - Anderson, right? Another Team USA player is dating the star of the Vegas Aces, who is on the women's Team USA. I'm sure you knew all this. I did watch the first half of U.S.A. vs Canada last night, so that pretty much makes me an expert, right? 

They worked me pretty good at physical therapy this morning. I had done the stretching exercises last night. Seems like the pain isn't quite as bad as previous days. Still they said it could last 6 weeks, or 6 months. Great. 

This afternoon: back at the car wash getting Ceil's oil changed.

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