Thursday, November 19, 2020

More Stuff

My card says I have been an AMEX member since 1999, though I’d had a different company AMEX card before that. When the company changed names they issued a new card, so I lost several years off my membership. I think Anna just got an AMEX, so perhaps she’ll have it for a long time.


For the wedding reception my friends got a bunch of pairs of wine glasses from thrift stores. The idea was that after the reception you’d go around and find the matching wine glass, and take home the pair. Not sure how many people did this. There were lots of wines glasses still on the tables when we cleaned up. At one point I was taking two unmatched wine glasses back to the packing area when one of the groomsmen, a young single Asian guy, brighten. He turned to me and said “Hey, are you taking that glass?” I had just become aware of the tradition, and handed him the glass. He was thrilled. Less for us to take home.


We also had extra tea left over. Not many sweet tea drinkers in Virginia. One of the groomsmen took home the leftover unsweet tea, but we couldn’t get any takers for the sweet tea.

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