Thursday, November 26, 2020

First Bite: PYG Pizza

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a good day? Yesterday I ate leftover BBQ for lunch yesterday. Worked from 7:30 until about 6 pm. Still got tons to do. Drove to the grocery store. Plenty without masks. They should have checkout lines for those with masks, and other lanes for people without masks.

Picked up pizza and salad from PYG Pizza in Pageland, a new place owned by wiz-kid Billy Hogge, the man with all the toys. The pie was okay, crust a little undercooked, far from crispy. Not much on TV that I can remember. 

This morning I helped straighten for Thanksgiving dinner. Kept re-arranging the chairs every time I remembered who was and wasn’t coming. Watched the Macy’s Christmas parade.

Rusty grilled marinated chicken quarters. Also baked beans with ground beef and sausage. C baked a mixture of potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and brussel sprouts. There was also rolls, pecan pie, buttermilk pie, pecan squares, and Ceil’s Russian fruitcake, topped with coconut. I didn’t eat as much as usual. We had ten for the lunch. 

This afternoon we watched Texans@Lions, then ESPN commercials. Now Ceil has the Hallmark Channel on, a Lindy Booth / Treat Williams made for TV movie, Rocky Mountain Christmas. Was showing Ceil’s Aunt Corrine some of Lang’s cooking, and she watched the entire ten minute turkey video.

Will had to work. So did MC’s dad. So Anna, Matthew, Mary-Clayton, and her mother went for lunch together at a Summerhill restaurant near Matthew’s place. Earlier M baked scones for his roommates. Ceil and I sent in our photos for the 2020 family Christmas card that Anna is cobbling together. 

Tomorrow is the big turkey lunch. At least 14 set to attend.

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