Ceil got to visit all her favorite places on her birthday (except Shivonne's). Her birthday lasted an hour longer this year thanks to the time change. Stopped my (1) Home Depot on the way to (2) church.
Met Matthew and A&C at (3) Krog Street Market to eat at Superica. Always hard to find a parking place. Gambled on huevos rancheros. Okay, but not the greatest. I ordered something to drink but could've used a refill by the time our food arrived. We literally didn’t see our waitress from the time she took our food order until after we finished eating it. Finally went to the bar to ask for a refill. Later when the waitress stopped by I asked for a refill, but it took her another five minutes to bring it, around the same time she brought the check.
I try to give the waitstaff every benefit of the doubt. Easy to tell when they are slammed. Yesterday Superica wasn’t super busy. Oftentimes there’s a 30 min wait to get in. Yesterday there were a few empty tables. Our waitress may have been handling tables behind me that I couldn’t see. She just never checked on us.
After lunch we took the scenic route through Inman Park all the way up Highland and over to Cheshire Bridge to (4) Lenox Square. More gridlock. On the way I saw a big apartment building across from the Plaza Theater that reminded me of the Acadia.
Then over to (5) Westside Provisions for Jeni’s Ice Cream. The scooper looked like a young Rasheed Wallace. He thanked me for asking him before he rang up our order to scan my phone app, saying most customers waiting until after the transaction was complete.
Then we headed to (6) Ponce City Market. The Falcons game had ended, so traffic on Northside was jammed. I made a U-turn and took Hemphill through the Tech campus, across the Connector over the 5th Street bridge, down Spring to North Avenue. Parking lot was jammed. Then I took a wrong turn into a dead-end loading zone. Dropped Ceil off and looked for a parking space first above ground, then below. Nothing. Finally waited on a street a couple of blocks away until Ceil was ready. Then bad traffic on the way home. When we got home I had to take my car to get air in the tire. Will be getting new tires on Wednesday.
Let it be known that afterward Ceil said: (1) she’d never go back to Ponce City Market, and (2) next year for her birthday we’d go on a hike.
Friday night I worked until six. Took Ceil out to Pizzeria Lucca on the Roswell Square.
Saturday morning we had a foursome for golf: Paul the Veteran, GT grad Robert, and GSU prof Jee Tee. I didn’t play as well as the previous two weeks. Then a frappe from McDonalds, then a haircut. The GT game wasn’t on my TV so I raked the yard. Made it a 13000 step day.
Small group tonight. Taking off tomorrow AM to play 18 holes of golf before heading into to the office later.
ANDRELTON SIMMONS [B-R Bio] is the only National League shortstop to be honored with a Platinum Glove Award, in 2013, the third year of the award’s existence. He was last in the postseason with the Braves in the 2013 NLDS. They were eliminated 3-1 by LAD. He has won four Gold Glove Awards, a Overall Defensive Player of the Year Award, and six Fielding Bible Awards yet after eleven seasons he has never been on the All-Star team. His defensive prowess is universally acknowledged by major league scouts and GMs alike. With only one exception, he has a higher career WAR ranking than any other native of his home country. His 37.1 WAR is bested only by Andruw Jones’s 62.7 for players from Curaçao.
DENISON: the Cultural Research Center released a new report studying morality in the US. “Most Americans champion traditional moral values” but 71% “now contend humans rather than God should be the judge of right and wrong.” 42% said “what you feel in your heart” is the best moral guide, followed by 29% who said we should base morality on majority rule. Only 29% said principles taught in the Bible should guide our morality. But 66% of Americans who possess a biblical worldview said the Bible should be the main source of determining right and wrong.
As the history of anti-Semitism shows, if you will not bow to the gods of your culture, you will face the wrath of your culture. 2 Timothy 3:12: “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) warns anti-Semitism is rising on US college campuses. Violence against Jews in America has reached record levels. Last year there were 2,717 incidents of assault, harassment, and vandalism against Jews, a 34 percent increase from the year before, the highest number on record. Anti-Semitism is called “history’s oldest hatred” because of the Jewish commitment throughout history to maintain their unique religious identity.
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