Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Lessons From the Life of Paul

JFBC pastor Clay Smith
Lessons from the life of Paul
2 Timothy 4:6-8

Lots of crazy things happening in the world today, but God is sovereign. God is working in the world today.

What is all the world looking and thinking about today: the Olympics. Athletes have to be different - eat, sleep, etc can't be like everyone else. Same with me as a Christian. If I want to make a difference I have to think and act and live differently.

Paul knows his life is near the end, and he issues a challenge that is applicable to us all. Used interesting word pictures: I have poured out every ounce. I am about to depart. Paul is going home.

V 7 I fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have run the race. The crown of righteousness will be put on my head. It's not reserved for the super saints but for all who have lived in light of the establishment of God's kingdom.

We should live as if Jesus was returning this afternoon - Adrian Rogers

1. Truth - we must share the Word no matter what 2 Timothy 4:5 the time will come when they turn aside from sound doctrine…

All believers are called to share the word of God. Paul instructs how - when it's convenient and inconvenient, when you feel like it and when you don't. Share no matter what. The word of God corrects and rebukes. Exhorts with God's patience…because of Christ and his second coming to establish his kingdom, as savior and judge.

The situation in the church. The time is coming when people won't want to hear the truth. That's the world we live in today. People want to have their ears tickled. They'll go to lengths to find people who will tell them what they want to hear.

Friday during the Olympic Opening Ceremony the false god Dionysus was celebrated, the Greek god of parties and orgies and cross dressing. Interesting choice to hold up in front of a worldwide audience. There are false gods in the world today…

1. You can be a good person by working hard
2. You can do good deeds
3. Have high esteem
4. Prosperity gospel

The real gospel is that Christ died to save us from our sins. The only reason to preach. Hold onto this gospel.

2. Belonging. Paul lists 16 names. 2 Tim 9-15 some fell in love with the world and didn't finish the race

V 19-21 Paul in jail, lonely and bored and cold. The answer is people. We need to engage in our community. Being a part, not just consuming.

People brought Paul cloaks and parchments,. William Tindal who was executed for translating the Bible from Greek to English, so the people could see that the church was preaching false doctrine.

3. Purpose. Fulfill your god given calling. V 16-18. The Lord will give you strength, that my work will be fully accomplished Acts 9:15

God calls us. It's bigger that my job. Am I settling for lesser things?

A great challenge as pastor is to remind us that our greatest days of ministry aren't behind us, but ahead.

V 22 May the Lord be with your spirit, and grace be with you.

Someone sure was in a hurry to get out of church.

Sunday School: How to walk in the Holy Spirit:
1. Acknowledge we are helpless without the Spirit
2. Pray Ez 26:37, Heb 13:21
3. Trust and believe Rom 6:14 and v 11, Rom 8:14
God will give you victory over sin
4. After these first 3, now act in the way should you go 1 Cor 13:10 not me but God Gal 2:20
5. Give thanks for any good deed performed

31 in Sunday School

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