Monday, July 08, 2024

Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey

Clay Smith JFBC

Man Missionary Martyr: lessons from the life of Paul

Acts 17:16-34 Is Jesus the only way?

Easy for us to say, but out in the world people aren't so sure.

Billy Graham spoke in Cambridge at the request of John Stott and CS Lewis. Intellectuals are sinners as well.

Paul's second missionary journey went a long way on foot: from Jerusalem and eventually to Athens...through Tarsus Derbee Lystra Antioch Troas Philippi Berea Thessalonica Athens.

We can learn from Paul's speech, how he preached differently to the Gentiles than he did the Jews.

V 16 provoked - to shake up. Saw the disturbing idols and statues. Paul could share to both Jews and Gentiles, Epicureans and stoics who said God wasn't involved in our day to day life.

V 22 men of Athens, who see you are very religious proved by all their statues, including an unknown god.

V 23 what you worship in ignorance I will proclaim to you. God is involved in his creation but does not inhabit all these man made things. Paul points out the contradiction they think God isn't involved but God is working all around.

When Paul shares he starts with creation. God has a perfect design. Makes more sense than all the idols. Atlanta has just as many idols, like greed. Power. Career, even family. Politics.

These things are good, but people can lose their minds over things. God is still sitting on the throne. They are caught in a contradiction, those Athenians. God wants us all to repent, as God will judge all one day. To also save the world. That's the power of the gospel.

V 32 some scoffed at the story of the resurrection. Some wanted to hear more. Some believed.

Takeaways: Paul then journeyed on to Corinth.

1. Lostness should bother us. Does lostness bother me?

2. Practice double listening - listen to the word of God, as well as what's going on in the world. So we can act accordingly.

3. Connect the gospel to the world's pressure points. Richard Dawkins the atheist appreciates what Christianity offers the world.

4. Share the gospel with sincerely.

DENISON: a poll indicated 72% of voters do not believe Joe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president. After last Thursday night's debate (which viewers thought Mr. Trump won decisively), the New York Times called on Biden to leave the race, as did their columnist Thomas Friedman. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution made the same plea, as did the Atlantic and the Wall Street Journal. China threatened the death penalty for any citizen who supports Taiwan. Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine that has now killed more than 469,000 Russian soldiers. North Korea has threatened a nuclear launch despite reprisals that would devastate its nation.

Should Joe Biden leave the presidential race? (

HERB SCORE [SABR Bio] on 07-May-1957 started the home game against the Yankees. The 2nd batter, SS Gil McDougald, hit a 2-2 fastball that struck Score in the eye. Read the details here. Hall-of-Famer-to-be Bob Lemon finished the game and got the win for the Indians. Both Score and McDougald were rookies of the year. Score broke Grover Cleveland Alexander's major league record for strikeouts by a rookie. Alexander had 227 Ks for PHI in 1911. Score had 245 in 1955, leading the majors. Dwight Gooden, the current record holder, had 276 for the Mets in 1984. Score broadcast Indians games for 34 years (1964-1997), the last 30 years as the Indians' play-by-play voice.

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