Puppy photo of the day.
Jeff Henderson: one of the best ways to communicate is through great storytelling. Some of us are more gifted at this than others, but it’s a skill all of us can improve upon. Here are nine rules for telling great stories. Rules often times are made to be broken, and there are times when you can break these story-telling rules. You and your audience will be well-served if you abide by these rules, and if you decide to break them, be sure to have a great reason.- Personal stories are more effective. They let us see who you are and how you are connected to the content.
- Humorous stories at the beginning. Inspirational stories at the end.
- Stories must have a legitimate connection to the content.
- Use stories that help the audience. Never use stories to impress the audience.
- Simple, shorter stories usually win.
- Too many stories mean you don’t have a clear goal for the presentation.
- Too few stories mean you won’t connect as well with the audience.
- Stories should illustrate your primary idea. Stories shouldn’t be the primary idea.
- Stories that resonate in a small group will resonate with a large group. I’ll never forget what Jeff Foxworthy told me when I asked him how he determines whether a joke will work or not. “Try it out with your spouse or a couple of friends,” he said. “If they laugh, it means everyone else will.”
One of the best gifts you can give your future audiences is to start collecting stories. Even if you aren’t sure how you will use the story, file them away for future consideration.
REGGIE JACKSON [SABR Bio] may have paid closer attention than usual to the last part of Jim Thome’s career. Thome retired within striking distance, just 49 away, of Jackson’s all-time, career strikeout record, 2,548 to 2,597. In the last 16 years of his 21-year career, he only led the league in strikeouts once. Between his first World Series Championship year in Oakland in 1972 and his final season back in Oakland in 1987, he only led the AL in Ks in his first year in Anaheim, with 156 in 1982. In every one of his first 4 full seasons, however, he was the AL leader in Ks, twice leading the majors. As a Baltimore Oriole, he led the team in home runs, slugging, OPS, OPS+, total bases and times hit-by-pitch. In 1976 with BAL he also led the team in Ks, although his 108 total was well behind the league leaders that year.
Is communism coming to the United States?
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