Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wednesday at Truist

 Left work at four and headed west for the third straight day.

Entered through the First Base Gate,
nearest the team store, where I paid a visit.
Bright sun gave way to dark clouds and rain.
We didn't get rain at the house, ten miles to the northeast.
Interesting that Padres third-baseman Ha-seong Kim, from South Korea, wears cleats from an American company. 

Due to the heat I broke down and wore shorts. That meant my green Gwinnett cap and #82 Acuna St. Patricks jersey didn't match my royal feather socks, which didn't match my black adidas Properes.
The secret of the free ice cream inside Chipper's Sugarlands Lounge: it's simply frozen Mayfield milk (and chocolate milk). 
Padres third base coach Dick Erson.
Brick of the day.
Anna must've played golf with a friend. 

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