Saturday, August 03, 2024

First Bite: B&W Burgers

Tuesday a vendor took us to lunch, to a burger bar in downtown Norcross. Good stuff. BBQ burger and tots.

I’m not a fan of the thick cut onion rings, like B&W have. Dislike the little stringy ones as well, but I love me some regular sized onion rings. Used to love the rings at the varsity. Those ladies had on their rubber gloves, and would grab a big handful to plop into the little basket. Now the rings at the Varsity are nice and neat and larger, and not as fun as they used to be. Haven’t been to the Varsity in ages. Like many places, their prices have gone sky high while their service has gone from the super fast “whutdayahave” to slow boat to China.

Later Tuesday afternoon I had leftover Brunswick stew and potato salad. Was called on to speak at a retirement celebration, and was able to mutter a few coherent words, I hope.

I left work Monday not long after 5 pm. Stopped by Dollar Tree for bar soap. Every afternoon I’ve been stopping at Taco Bell for my free small order of small nacho fries. I went through the drive thru. They handed me my bag and I drove away. Had to stop next door at the post office to mail a letter. Only after that did I open the Taco Bell bag. The sticker on the bag had DAVE printed out, as well as SM NACHO FRIES. But inside the bag was a larger order of loaded nacho fries, covered with cheese and meat and stuff. Too late to go back. A treat.

Didn’t spoil my supper. C made a sausage and spaghetti noodles dish, with steamed broccoli. C was plays on her laptop (as was I). I turned on The Weakest Link. One episode had military veterans. First time I ever saw contestants run the table in a round. Then the next round they got zero.

Tuesdayup early to work out again today. Monday I felt good after working out. Felt it a little this time, but it was good to stretch and move.

Left work at 445 and grabbed a free Coke at RaceTrac. Too full to eat any supper. Rested and then headed over to the final men’s Bible Study. Eight in attendance: three of us David’s, Reid, Robert, Dan, Ryan, and Matt. Robert prompted each of us to share what led us to faith in Jesus. A good time of sharing and prayer.

Lots of pain on Tuesday night. After working out two straight days I decided to sleep in on Wednesday morning. Super busy last day of the month. Lots of leftovers to munch on at work: macaroni & cheese, banana pudding, cookies, and cake.

Coworker Marty, the Kentucky fan, is a no-nonsense ex-military guy. Young father. Does an excellent job. Received a promotion to supervise three coworkers. Just traded in his big Chevy Silverado pickup for a smaller Chevy Colorado. Better gas mileage for his long commute. I told him that his only mistake was that he didn’t utter a peep in the office about it beforehand. Just showed up with the new truck. Everyone knows that you’re supposed to talk endlessly for a month before making such a large purchase.

Had an electrician working in the living room putting in sconces. Also a new light in our closet. Badly needed.

Former coworker Jeff Thomas called me out of the blue late Wednesday: another former coworker Curtis Fraser had passed away suddenly. He had come down with covid, then suffered congestive heart failure. I don’t think Curtis was 60 yet. A husband and father with nearly grown kids. Jabo and Eric had played in Curtis’ company golf tournament back in May. Jeff and Curtis had started with Tull back not long after me, along with young guns Wheat, Luna, Garrett, Harris, and Murphree. Jabo was pretty shook up. Curtis worked in 01 and purchasing and even alongside me in 20 for a spell, even handling the slit coil for EZGo back before we started coordinating part production for them. I always remember the story of Curtis buying a huge jug of salsa at Costco – then dropping it on his feet, ruining a new pair of white bucks. R.I.P.

Two 3rd floor employees are out with covid. I’m making sure to take my vitamins every day.

Jeff and his family were in Boston finishing up a vacation the day the airline computers went down. He had to rent a car and drive the 19 hours back to Atlanta. Spent the night in West Virginia. Each family member took a 2-1/2 hour shift behind the wheel.

I am way too caught up in the world today: social media, TV, movies, sports, Hollywood – much more than my friends. Hard to really call me a sports fan any more. Besides college football, I rarely watch sports. In general I keep up with whether the Braves win or lose, but almost never follow any other baseball, football, or basketball team. I know the Braves starters until they get hurt. Couldn’t name the relievers or tell you the stories of the players filling in for Acuna, Harris, and Albies. I need to read more.

DENISON: is President Biden's Supreme Court Reforms, "an assault" ( …on the US Constitution?

DAVE WINFIELD   [SABR Bio] was the first Yankee after Joe DiMaggio to collect at least 100 RBI in 5 consecutive seasons, from 1982-86: 106, 116, 100, 114, & 104 (DiMaggio’s was 1936-42, the first 7 seasons of his career). Winfield was the first member of the 3000 hit club with 1000 in each league. He had 1,134 in the NL with the Padres, and 1,976 H in the AL with NYY, CAL, TOR, MIN, & CLE. Albert Pujols was the second player to achieve the feat. Winfield was an All-Star 12 times (4 in the NL and 8 in the AL). He hit a ASG record 7 doubles. Cal Ripken has 3, tied for 2nd with 8 others.

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