Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sermon Notes: Spiritual Gifts

JFBC Clay Smith

Knock Off: don't settle for less sermon series 

Romans 12: 1-8 Knock offs are less than the real thing.

The world is all about being served. God wants us to live a life of service, to move from just being a member of the crowd to the congregation and then part of the core of the church, being all in with the mission of the church in service to Christ.

How to discover your spiritual gifts. We all have direct access to God. All believers have God's spirit in our hearts.

Three questions:

1. What is a spiritual gift?

It's any ability empowered by the Holy Spirit that is given to empower the church to be used in ministry until Christ returns.

Nonchristians don't have spiritual gifts. They may be good at teaching or speaking or leading, but not in a kingdom way.

V 1 present your body as a living sacrifice. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Brought into a right family relationship with God. We are gifted with God's spirit.

V 3 our various gifts should lead us into unity, one body in Christ.

V 6 God's grace is more than forgiveness. God gifts his grace. Every church is a charismatic church, where God's spirit is working and moving.

Resource: understanding spiritual gifts by Sam Storms. He wrote a book about spiritual warfare as well.

The spiritual gifts lists in Romans 12...

Prophesy: definition: reporting to others on how God worked. Prophesy requires a response. Prophesy is important, is on all three lists of spiritual gifts in the Bible.

Service. People who see a need and know what to do.

Teaching - explaining the scriptures so others can understand. Defending scripture from attacks.

Encourager - ministering to those who hurt, calling out sin with gentleness.

Giving. Not about how much you have or give


Mercy. Compassion for those hurting.

Do you know your spiritual gift?

Do you know why you have your spiritual gift? It's not to serve you, but others.

How to use your spiritual gifts: three scriptures

1 Cor 12:4-7 and 8-11

Eph 4:11-13

1 Peter 4:10-11

Using your spiritual gift is a responsibility. Are all spiritual gifts from Biblical times still available to believers today? There are different schools of thought. Clay thinks all gifts are still available, though rarely seen. He is open but cautious. We need to come together in the body of Christ to use God's gifts.

2. How do I discover my spiritual gift?

A. Reflection. Take a spiritual inventory, like at 

B. Ask other believers who know you well.

C. Look for opportunities to serve. Where is there a need?

3. How to I develop my gift?

A. By trying

B. By seeking greater gifts 1 Cor 12

C. By being content with the gift God gave you. Use it.

Clay pulled a young volunteer from the congregation, a 10 year old girl to run across the stage, then hop on one foot, then grab grab both feet. Impossible to do. God would never ask us to do something we aren't able to do.

Sunday School notes: Dan Rice

Five realities from Hebrews 3:12-14

1. Sin…rebellion against God…something I do or not do…preferring anything over God to satisfy my needs and desires.

2. Deceit…is there anything more desirable than God? Sin is a lie.

3. Hardening of our heart. Making it hard for us to be touched by the truth of Jesus.

4. Leads to unbelief. God's truth becomes undesirable.

5. Evil captures our hearts. Christian fellowship must step in, led by the Holy Spirit every day. We lie to ourselves.

Encourage others in the Lord. This is our duty as a follower of Jesus. We need to be honest with each other, and honest to God. Take risks. Share and be open about what you are going through.

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