Friday, August 09, 2024

Hoka Clifton 9

My new Hoka Clifton 9s are not bright white, but a slightly more subdued “Nimbus Cloud / Steel Wool”. Now I’m freaked out about getting my new white sneakers dirty.

In general I can wear any pair of shoes for years and not get them dirty. I don’t go places that are dirty or muddy unless I’m wearing Crocs or sneakers that are already dirty.

About had a cow this week when I found dirt on my year old black Cole Haans. My 5 year old Puma RSXs have a tiny black spec that drives me crazy. My 4 year old Vans have a spot.;!!AE29DT8V!XX9l5bN3XSumJ4Yv8TCHKxXuep0Aqg-w3P9-kD09JHmdOrjKr3QhxE8BTvcaBemlA4mg-tS0QPfFBgwWwDI$

Thursday wasn’t going great. The things I was having to resolve didn’t really dovetail with the cheery reports I was hearing. Helps to type out my feelings. I’m continually trying to dial back on the pressure.

Worked until 530 Thursday afternoon. When I got home I realized I needed gas to mow the lawn. Supper was ready: spaghetti & meatballs.

With my niece’s wedding still 5+ weeks away, the timing way off for a haircut. I just wanted C to trim the hair off my ears, but she spent 30 minutes clipping the sides and back. As she hacked away I was thinking how that now that I am 65, I am getting the old man treatment.

Skipped the gym Friday morning, due to pain but also since I’ll be cutting grass this afternoon. Rodney brought in apple fritters. Just what I needed.

 A social media story that dovetails with Denison’s devotion this morning –late last night out of the blue a guy had gone back several months to attack two of another guy’s old posts. One on how Christians are being persecuted. Not sure what prompted him. For some reason he feels personally attacked when people post things he doesn’t agree with – even though the post wasn’t directed at him. He also went back to lament on another lady’s old photo post that he wasn’t in. Not a good look. He must’ve been having a bad night.

DENISON: regardless of whether your side wins or loses, God will still be on his throne, America will most likely continue to exist. Most importantly, your highest calling—to share God’s good news in service to God’s kingdom—will not change. Fulfilling that calling will be far more difficult if you’ve burned bridges and spoken or acted in ways that diminish your witness between now and November. So the next time you’re tempted to prioritize politics over your higher purpose in Christ, remember that this world is not our home. Our ultimate allegiance belongs to God. Will Governor Tim Walz win over undecided voters? ( 

Speaking on Walz, the rumor is the VP candidate might be played on SNL by Steve Martin.

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