Friday, October 08, 2021

Vacation Day

Long evening last night. Left work at 510. Made it to Krog Street Market by 730. Took an hour to get seated and another hour to eat. By then Jeni's ice cream was closed, so we drove over to Westside Provisions to that Jeni's. A long line that moved along. Didn't get home until 11 pm. 
Had to stop for gas on the way home. Matthew rode shotgun and played his music. When he does that I suggest old classic songs that he probably hasn't heard. Last night it was Nightswimming by REM, Chicago's 25 or 6 to 4 and Make Me Smile, and Doctor Hook & the Medicine Show's Cover of the Rolling Stone.
Today was super busy. Had asked off to go to an event in North Carolina, but it was cancelled. Worked around the house instead. Got in my 10,000 steps. Two mile walk with C and Winnie. English muffin sandwich with egg and cheese.

 Started laundry, and kept the washer and dryer going all day. Worked to clean out the garage. Kept at it most of the day. Moved some stuff inside that didn't need to be outside. M took his drums inside.

Got a bookcase set up in Ceil's art studio, and C filled it with books. I unpacked two boxes of bobbleheads. Cleaned out my car. Loaded C's car with school stuff she needs. Filled my car with giveaway items. Will keep working on the garage tomorrow. We'll be able to put one car into the garage.

Lunch: chicken salad sandwich. Did about 30 minutes of work work. Went for a haircut. On the we back I saw a guy from my Sunday School class walking his dog, and stopped for a chat.

By the way: last night at the restaurant it was dark, and my kids laughed at me for using my flashlight so I could read the menu. Got chicken enchiladas.

Kept working on the garage. Took a break to practice my chipping. Hit over 50 balls out in the yard.

Turned on the Braves and watched while folding laundry. They'll get em tomorrow. Will bought a bunch of game 3 tickets before they announced the game would start at 1 pm. If he can't get them sold to friends he might take me along. Want to go?

This morning Matthew had an interview to be the baker at a coffee shop near the Marietta Square. Sounds like he got the job. The owner is opening a pizza place as well, so M might help with that.

When I was in high school in the mid-70's a girl gave me a Mickey Mouse coffee mug. Since then I've used it as a pen holder on my desk. This week I replaced it. Planning on replacing my other long-time pen holder, a Coca Cola mug that I've also used for years and years.

M joined us for supper: chicken stir fry.

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