Saturday, September 28, 2024


Adoption, Foster Care, and the care of a church
Clay Smith JFBC
Ephesians 1:5-6

The book "Experiencing God" says to join places where God is moving

Fostering is a more temporary arrangement than adoption. Both are needed. Over 500 kids are currently fostered in Cobb with 400 in hotels. In the early church infanticide was frequent

James 1:27
Isaiah 1:17

The doctrine of the image of God: we should love and care for all people because they are made in the image of God. What does the Bible say about how we as Christians are adopted by God.

Ephesians 1:3-14 is the longest run on sentence in the Bible

God's blessing

1. What: we are adopted as sons and daughters v 4 in love - fits both with v 4 and 5 love = agape, Godly love.

V 5 God predestined, predetermined his plan before the creation of the world. Predestined used 6 times in the NT. Emphasis not on who, but what they are predestined to…that those of us in Christ would be adopted as son sons and daughters. That's why we should care about adoption.

The Romans were willing to let adoption happen. The father was the head of the family, the judge and jury. Could allow his children to be sold to other families. This was in Paul's mind when he wrote this verse.

Not all people are children of God. Eph 2:1-3 some are sons of disobedience, of lust, of wrath. Without Christ we deserve hell. But with God we are eternally his children

2. How: through Jesus Christ, our mediator, our reconciler. We were separated by sin. Jesus allows us to be reunited with God

Eph 5:21 not just that our sins are forgiven, but that we can live with God for eternity.

3. Why: to praise his glorious grace, to glorify him for eternity.V 5 it brings the Father great pleasure to adopt us.

V 6 God favored us
Luke 1 Mary was favored by God, the same Greek word in both verses

Because we are adopted by God, it should bother us.

How can a church help adopted families?
1. Learn
2. Give to these ministries. In the US adoption costs $25000-$55000. JFBC has helped 32 families adopt 37 children.
3. Pray and care, come alongside, disciple, support. Hard to foster a child without being surrounded by a good support group.

Sunday School
1. Give a Biblical analogy similar to the fruit of the apple tree being more apple trees.

A. John 15 I am the vine you are the branches.

B. Mark 4 the soil (1) birds ate the seeds (2)  rocky soil plants grew then died (3) other vines choked out the sprouts (4) good soil the sprouts thrived.

C. Mustard seed

D. 2 Timothy 2:2 in the things you have heard from me…

2. When Jesus said all authority has been given to me, what did Jesus do with that authority? Jesus gave this authority to his disciples, and to us. Jesus used the authority to bind Satan.

3. Should we interpret the great commission as a command for the church at large, or to individual believers?  Paul reminds us that everyone isn't called to go, some stay behind to support. We're not all called to be foreign missionaries.

Acts 1:8…to Judea, …and the ends of the earth

21 in Sunday School
Worship: 9 on stage. 4 guitars

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