Saturday, September 21, 2024

Moon Over Midtown

With a relatively cloudless sunrise, I drove down to play golf at Candler Park early Thursday morning. Arrived just after 645 and teed off just before 7 am. Fellow early bird Gee T arrived earlier than usual, so we were able to play together. For the most part I only played one ball, and didn’t play too terribly – I played just my regular terrible.

1. I hit a pretty good hybrid from the white tee box to the middle of the fairway, and a good 6 iron just short of the elevated green. First chip sailed right, my mulligan skidded just past the green. Good recovery chip back, and I sank the bogey putt, a 10 footer.

2. Hit an 8 iron off the tee, so I wasn’t surprised that it landed far short of the green. At least it was straight. Chipped short of the green, then to the back near the fringe. Two putt for a double.  GT noticed the large full moon in the western sky. Wednesday night I had noticed it rising from the east.

3. Sailed my first tee shot far right, then hit a better mulligan right. Flubbed a chip, then poked one up onto the green. Two putt for another “double”.

4. Decent 7 iron, that tailed off into the left rough. Two poor chips, then the third onto the green. Two putt for “bogey”.

5. Hit a worm burner off the tee that got a decent roll. Chipped to the fringe, but my next chip rolled off the back of the green. Chipped back and then two putted. Triple.

6. Hit a decent hybrid off the tee. Hit it where I aimed: right. I had found one ball on 4 of the first 6 holes, but couldn’t find my tee shot here on six. Flubbed a 5 iron, then hit a good mulligan. Couldn’t find that one either. Dropped a ball and hit a great chip onto the green. Two putt for a “bogey”.

7. Pulled out my driver and sliced two shots into the trees on the right. Hit a low 5 iron that hit a tree, and a slightly better mulligan. Six iron pulled to the left. Nine iron was short of the green. A poor chip followed by only a slightly better mulligan. Long lag putt past the hole. Decent come backer just missed. Snowman.

8. Hit a real good drive off the tee. GT hit one even further. My approach was far too short, but I hut a pretty good mulligan. Two putt for a “par”.

9. Sailed two 3 woods into the trees on the right. Poked a good 5 iron from the rough under the trees, that landed just short of the green. Flubbed the chip. Two putt for a closing double.

Busy busy busy. Had things to do at the office so I stayed past 6 pm. I knew Ceil was over at a friend’s house late in the afternoon, so supper wouldn’t be until 730 or 8 pm. Will wanted one of us to pick up a pair of sneakers he’d bought for Shivonne. I thought C could pick them up while she was out, since it wasn’t that far from where she was. But C was stressed from being too busy so she just went home. Will needed the shoes, so I left the office and drove the 20 minutes past our house to pick them up. Ten bucks on Facebook Marketplace. Good deal.

Made it home by 730 even after stopping by a thrift store (to mentally reward myself for adding this extra chore to my already long day). She started to eat supper without me. Spaghetti. By the time I ate and cleaned up it was almost 830, so I was mentally ready for bed.

Friday: up early to go to the gym. Lunch was free fry Friday at Wendys, since I needed to work late.

The busyness will continue this weekend. C had to stay late  on Friday afternoon at W&MCs, so she hit rush hour traffic on the way home. Saturday we kept the girls all day. That means I’ll have to cut the grass and do my laundry after church on Sunday.

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