Reading a scary book: “IMMINENT: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFO’s”, by Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Department of Defense’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. A New York Times bestseller.
Mind boggling. Thought provoking. Not sure what I was thinking when I chose to listen to this audiobook. Am I glad I did? Not sure. Author Luis Elizondo shares his journey. Husband. Father. Son. Soldier. Patriot. Faced with what the US government was hiding, he gave up his career at the Department of Defense to share what he'd learned with his family, his country, his planet. He considered it his duty. Elizondo presents the facts and data from dozens of eyewitness accounts - including his own. Earlier this month he testified before both the US Senate and House of Representatives. Of all the books I've read this year, this one stands out the most.
You may think this is crazy, but the author presents data and verified accounts going back decades. When the US entered the nuclear age, the UFO sightings increased. These crafts are interested in our military capabilities – some believe that back during the Cold War they were trying to provoke a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia.
The author shares this information as a warning, similar to how information about Pearl Harbor and September 11th and other surprise attacks were not taken seriously, when the intelligence was there to serve as a warning. The author has been interviewed on cable news programs, which can be googled and watched. After college Elizando enlisted in the Army, and was later recruited by the DoD to research UFOs because of his no nonsense, analytical demeanor.
When his duties at the Pentagon caused him to travel to remote military bases, the author had more in common with the sergeants and privates. He’d turned down dinner with the base commander so he could drink beer with the privates. He’d rather catch a flight on a military cargo plane than the luxurious jet the generals would take. He admitted that for decades the US government has done everything in its power to cover up all this evidence.
Close human encounters with these craft have resulted in burns, rashes, eyesight issues, blindness, headaches, and cancer. Tiny alien implants have been found in some who had encountered these alien crafts. When doctors worked to remove the implants, sometimes the implant would move in an effort to escape. Several people working on this project have experienced visitations at their homes by small basketball sized balls of light, including the author.
There is simply too much evidence to deny the existence of these crafts. They've been seen to make a 90 degree turns while flying at Mach 17, defying what we know about physics. Our most advanced jets can barely reach Mach 5. In one case an entire Italian soccer stadium filled with thousands of fans all saw a UFO fly overheard. At the Los Alamos Air Force Base in New Mexico, while testing an advanced military rocket, a group of scientists, security guards, and FBI agents witnessed a group of four UFOs approach from a mountain range, stop and hover over the US rocket’s launch pad, then fly away – passing directly over the heads of the group.
Through the years there have been a few UFOs that had crashed where the crafts and alien bodies recovered and researched. There are two different alien “species” one taller and the other shorter and grey. One theory Is that the shorter greys are a subservient species perhaps created by the taller species, to be clones / slaves / workers. The book tells of the reactions various Department of Defense and other government officials have had when tidbits of this information is discussed, both positive and negative.
Crazy stuff. What we know about physics, the space time continuum, and even extra sensory perception could very well just a small part of what is possible. These UFOs are not bound by the effects of gravity, which could mean that time travel is possible. And all those rumors of a UFO crash in Roswell New Mexico back in the day? True story. While much is revealed, the author was not at liberty to share everything.
The book touches on the spiritual implications of these aliens, whether they visited centuries ago and were considered as angels / demons / gods – similar to how when US airmen landed on remote Pacific islands during WW2, gifting the natives with trinkets and food. After the airmen departed, the natives constructed bamboo airplane looking structures in an effort to woo these men to return to them from the air. As a Christian believing in Jesus and the triune God, this does not change my faith in God, though it does raise so many questions – which I don’t think God has a problem with me asking.
What es this all mean? I don’t know. Is this why the deep state does what it does, funneling away billions of US taxpayer money? Is there where much of the Ukraine "aid" going? Is this what is mentioned in the book of Revelation? Could the antichrist be an alien being? Lots more research to be done.
This week: Mysterious lights over Capitol Hill sparks fears in DC.;!!AE29DT8V!XcZthixDM1mClhOgqxkGgQbYBQv0LenplosSk7v4ao0tBoIxTFzT-5CfQA-Ise3M365TaE7N3cepxH9k9kI$And:;!!AE29DT8V!XcZthixDM1mClhOgqxkGgQbYBQv0LenplosSk7v4ao0tBoIxTFzT-5CfQA-Ise3M365TaE7N3cepxH9k9kI$
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