Saturday, July 20, 2024

Who Runs Things?

Who runs the United States of America? It sure isn’t the president. Is it the deep state? Does the Democratic Party run things? Some say Obama is still calling the shots. We’re at the point where Biden can’t decide for himself what he can do. The Democratic leadership is calling for him to withdraw his candidacy. Pelosi. Schumer. Obama. George Clooney. The political party claiming its opponent will bring the end of democracy is ignoring the millions of American citizens who cast ballots for Biden in the presidential primaries because they’re scared of losing power.

Apparently the deep state is so scared of Donald Trump that they’ll stop at nothing to stop him: harassment, impeachment, indictment, and even attempted murder. Don’t be surprised if there are more “accidents” between now and Election Day (Republicans departing Milwaukee on Friday morning were delayed due to an internet outage). Sounds like crazy talk, but Trump stands in the way of the new world order, and the powers that be aren’t having it. Get ready for a crazy six months.

Why is it that the Democrats are so scared of Trump? He made no effort to dismantle the Union in his first four years. He strengthened the US relationship with other countries so the wouldn’t walk all over us, and slowed the flow of dangerous illegal immigrants across our southern border. What is so bad about making America great again?

It will be interesting to contrast what happens at the DNC with what went on at the RNC. My main complaint about the RNC is that so many of the speakers and delegated looked like me: old and white. You’d think they’d want to have more young faces and voices. Hulk Hogan. I love Lee Greenwood and his song, but he’s 81 years old. Kid Rock is no spring chicken. There were three generations of Trumps, JD Vance’s wife, Ben Carson, and a few other non-white speakers, but such a homogeneous delegation. Hope that doesn’t hurt the vote in November.

A lot of talk about God and the hand of God at the RNC this week. While God is in control over every single thing, like so many are saying, I just don’t know if was the hand of God that did this or that. But it is refreshing to hear so many to call on the name of the Lord.

DENISON on Trump’s RNC speech: the former president described the shooting “I’ll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God.” Throughout his address, Trump would periodically speak of his gratitude to the Lord and of the nation’s need for God’s help. While only God and the former president can truly know where he stands in his relationship with Christ, at the very least, the Lord’s name was proclaimed, and there is value in that.

Donald Trump's address to the nation and Republican nomination (

And the hits just keep on coming. The shooter had flown a drone over the fairgrounds in Butler. Evidence of two shooters. A third of all Biden supporters think the assassination attempt was staged by Trump. The World Economic Forum has its eyes on limiting farm production. Conspiracy theories? Or evidence of what's really going on? 

I just need to keep my eyes focused on God, and not be distracted by the things of the world. All this stuff just disturbs me.

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