Thursday, February 15, 2007

Baseball Bits

Will’s rec team that I’ll coach, the Warriors, will be ok. He has more help than he had in the fall, and he’ll get to play plenty of shortstop. I’ll probably only pitch him later on in games, when the game is close.

He’ll also play on a travel team…the coach is really impressed with Will, but the assistant coach’s son will probably play short. Will enjoys playing outfield and first, and the coach will also pitch and catch him. Supposedly the team won a lot of games last year…they sure be better than that Shaw Park team Will played with this past Saturday.

He’ll probably squeeze in a road game or two with the older Colt team, which will stretch him to his limits, which is good. He’ll play more games this spring than ever, but he needs the games to improve. I think all the off-season practice has helped him.

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