Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cheaters That I Know

In Mark Bradley’s post-Peachtree blog, a poster linked to the AJC results page, wondering how three Group Nine runners could run a sub-37 minute race. That’s hard to do from the front of the pack, and close to impossible from the last group, where you’d be weaving through walkers the whole race. The poster thought it likely the runners somehow cheated, though the timing chip would only work if it also crossed the starting line. I clicked on the link to discover I knew two of the three runners, a husband and wife between 35 and 42 years old. They’re athletic, but it would surprise me that they could run six 6-minute miles. They must’ve sold their numbers, as later I learned mom was at the hospital on the 4th, with a sick child. I won't name names.

Befriended Bryan on Facebook, though it took the busy guy a while to accept. He made a six minute Indiana Jones video starring Houston and Haviland, complete with musical score…pretty funny. His church softball movie appears to be going forward…he posted another YouTube video with financial backers/technical consultants Foxworthy and Paul Byrd discussing the movie. I think Susan told Ceil they will film in Georgia, so Foxworthy can be in it. Guess guys are lining up to be in the softball sequences.

Lots to do at work and at home before leaving for the beach. Will plays twice next Friday in Pawley’s Island, 40 miles away from N Myrtle Beach. That’s usually the beach getaway day…don’t know if anyone will stick around. Thursday they play in Loris, only 20 miles away but off the ocean, so it’ll be hot.

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