The Atlanta Hawks unveiled their new uniforms today: white home, red road, and black “Statement.” Interesting both the white and red jerseys say ATLANTA and not HAWKS.
Taglines included “Inspired by the City of We Love” and “Throwback Vibes.” While not throwbacks, the unis are similar, and are similar colors, to Hawks unis of yesteryear. Does their term “Forever” mean they won’t be changing them for a while?
Toxic behaviors that turn everyone off, by Steve Adcock. Is this me? Is this you? Things that disrupt, frustrate, or harm others around us – and oftentimes ourselves. Acting this way is bad, and might cost you a relationship. You may not even realize you’re doing it. Sadly, I do have people in my life who check all these boxes below.
1. Being passive aggressive – indirectly criticizing or questioning someone else.
2. Telling lies.
3. Constant criticism. Do you find fault in everything someone else does? Before offering your opinion, think carefully about how it will be received.
4. Always being distracted. All the time you are never truly present. Damages relationships. Makes others think you don’t care. Checking texts and other cell phones apps when you are supposed to be working (something I cannot do).
5. Believing you are always right. Instead embrace differences of opinion respectfully.
6. Complaining often. People don't want to associate with such negativity. Just because you post nice memes on Facebook doesn’t mean you can be negative in real life.
7. Gossiping. This may effect what others tell you. If you wonder why people aren’t responding to your communications, perhaps they don’t want you turning around and sharing it with others. Instead be a trusted confidant.
From Catalyst: "If you’ve found yourself waking up in the morning and wondering where God is, you’re not alone. Maybe you wonder where God is as the sense of security and control you once experienced has been rocked off its axis. Or perhaps you’ve spent years walking in obedience, yet God feels distant as if He’s ignoring your prayers and observing your steps instead of being in them. One morning, Lysa TerKeurst found herself in this exact position, confused and in pain. Through two years of trials, she had repeatedly lifted her prayers to God but hadn't seen Him answer with help. Or so she thought. Watch the video below to see how God often uses our hurt and His perfect timing to answer our most painful prayers."
BABE RUTH [SABR Bio] a modern era Hall of Famer, is the only man to pitch over 1,000 innings and have a lifetime batting average above .300 - 1,221-1/3 IP; Career BA .342. 19th century HOFer Al Spalding (2,886-1/3 IP, .313 BA) was the only other man to post these two incongruous marks. Ruth is the only charter member of the Hall of Fame who never managed in the major leagues. In addition to inaugural classmates Cobb, Johnson, Wagner & Mathewson all being skippers, all six players in the 2nd HOF class also managed in the majors. Thus of the first 11 players elected to the HOF, only Ruth never managed. He gave his bat the same name that Joe Jackson had given his bat. “Black Betsy”. Jackson named all of his bats, but this was his best-loved. It was 34-1/2” long, weighed 40 ounces and the handle had a slight curve. Ruth’s version was an inch longer and weighed up to a three-quarters of a pound more! In the off season, both players soaked these hickory bats in barrels of oil to harden them; this contributed to their dark hue. Ruth copied more than just the lumber. Quoth he, ”I copied Jackson's style because I thought he was the greatest hitter I had ever seen, the greatest natural hitter I ever saw. He's the guy who made me a hitter.” Legend has it that Jackson allowed Ruth, and only Ruth, to borrow his “Black Betsy” on occasion when their teams met.
Eat low carb foods: eggs, beef, chicken, lamb, pork, bacon, jerky, turkey, bison, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cucumber, bell peppers, asparagus, green beans, celery, spinach, zucchini, cabbage, strawberries, grapefruit, oranges, raspberries, almonds, peanuts, cashews, coconut, pistashios, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cheese, full fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, chocolate, butter.
Avoid high carb foods: tortillas, bread, bagels, bananas, raisins, pears, juice, oatmeal, cereal, pasta, beets, sweet potato, corn, potatoes, yogurt, soda, lentls, peas, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, honey, sugar, chips, crackers, milk, gluten free baked goods

Working from home all this week. Got a decent amount done yesterday even though it is slow. Ceil left yesterday for one last trip to SC before returning to school next week. M worked at the farm. At 5 pm I went to get a haircut. Also stopped by Kroger. Watered the flowers. Watched two movies last night: “The Catcher was a Spy” – the Moe Berg story, starring Paul Rudd. The other movie was Sully, with Tom Hanks.
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