Saturday, November 25, 2023

R.I.P. Levi Walker


Levi Walker just passed away. For years he was Chief Noc-a-Homa of the Braves.
Levi welcomed Rick Camp at the plate after Camp's incredible home run, hit early in the morning on July 5th.
Noc-a-Homa's tepee was famously removed from it's perch in the left feild bleachers to make room for more ticket sales for the first place Braves in the early 1980's. The Braves promptly went on a weeks-long losing streak. After an outcry from fans, the tepee was restored, and the Braves won the division championship. 
I suppose there's no way the Braves can wear a memorial patch next year in tribute for Walker. Will be interesting to see if a memorial brick will be added outside Truist Park, alongside other deceased players, coaches, and front office personnel. 
Truly the end of an era.

On Twitter someone mistakenly posted a picture of my friend Robert (aka The Chief), who for years has worn the Indian outfit that his mother made him, to as many as 81 home games a year. Robert works at the nearby Stinky Kroger.

My own tweet celebrating Walker garnered much more attention than I usually get.

Angel Reese was not suspended for academic probation, but instead for team disciplinary reasons, says her head coach. Angel may be one of the most talented and productive players in the nation, but that doesn’t mean she is above the rules. Should athletes be looked upon as heroes? Certainly not. Do athletes serve as examples for America’s youth? Like it or not, they are – especially when they take to social media and garner 2.6 million followers. Resse is a great player. Lovely smile. Beautiful – she'll be in the upcoming Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue – flashing her ring finger like she did in Caitlin Clark’s face. Guess you can say that I am not a fan.;!!AE29DT8V!TTRUtCT9N29Djj3tkeL3iU9R4iKLmgjHYoTXeejjpI_FkKywXn_pMQzu4RJQsX3dliQGSPn-Q2XGgUQHTm8$

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