Monday, May 17, 2010

I Had a Dream (Two, Actually)

Last night I dreamed that I performed improve with Steve Martin. Nervous, so I only added safe, fun lines/bits. Still, afterwards Martin overly critiqued my performance.

I also dreamt the expedition skit had a Scooby-Doo ending. When the mask was pulled off old man Hoffer, it was Russ. Russ thought the ending to be anti-climatic, probably because of where it was placed in the skit.

Every month I go to the same bank on the 15th, and park in the same area. These last three times I’ve gone I’ve noticed the same green candy sucker stuck on the ground, outside the front door. Not only is it bad that it’s been there so long, but it must be made from artificial chemicals that even the ants don’t like.

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