Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hank Aaron Weekend

I remember this scorecard from back in the day:
Hank with traveling secretary Donald Davidson,
who started with the Braves as batboy in the 1930's
and worked his way up, spending over 40 years with the organization.
Nice Munsingwear shirt.
In honor of the home run king, here's my Braves gear post number four:
the Turner Field special ticket Braves jersey tee, Cooperstown Collection 1972 fitted cap,
and Stance feather socks.

In the midst of a rough Friday I picked up chicken sandwiches
from Moxie Burger at the Roswell Mill.
Ceil found organic crinkle fries while cleaning out the freezer.
Was up until 1:30 am getting stuff done. 
Today I left home before nine, drove all over town and back twice,
and didn't get home until six. Being out in the hot sun all day wore me out. Anna came for supper, so after Ceil worked around the house all day she tossed a salad, and I picked up Pizzeria Lucca.
 Never before saw a photo of Tiger drinking a soft drink.
 Peachtree Bart in the Dungard mask.

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