Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Miracle at Augusta

Just finished James Patterson’s “Miracle at Augusta”. Very good. As were his two other Travis McKinley books: Miracle on the 17th Green and Miracle at St. Andrews. Travis is a middle-aged worker bee laid off from his job, who earned a spot on the Senior Tour.

Monday: grabbed a Chickfila-type sandwich from McDonalds on the way to small group. Had all six group members there: John, Rob, Reid, Jamie, and Ron. Acts 17.

My new glasses are okay. Still trying to get used to them. I don’t have to have my face up so close to the screen. Still hard to find the mouse arrow thing.

Had a coworker comment on my weight loss, someone I don’t see every day. Now I just can’t go crazy with the eating this weekend. Friday at work we’re having a pot luck in honor of the Super Bowl. Trying to figure out where to take C for Valentines. Going to a Super Bowl party at my other friend Reid’s house. Like everyone else, I’ll be there for the food and fellowship, with the game on in the background.

Meeting my friend Lee for supper tonight, while C is at her ministry. Hot Stove up in Cumming tomorrow night.

ALBERT BELLE  [SABR Bio] was the first major leaguer to earn $10,000,000 in a season. CHW paid Belle $10m in 1997. He is the only player in major league history to bang out fifty home runs and fifty doubles in the same season. In 1995, playing for CLE, Belle hit 50 HR and 52 2B, which goes a long way to explaining his compensation bump two years later.

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