Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Editorial Comment

Maybe it was me, but it seemed like North Cobb Christian School was running up the score and displaying poor sportsmanship. I teeter on the edge of being a competitive, overbearing parent and the 'it's not if you win or lose, but how you played the game' parent.

It’s admirable to start up a Christian school, and great to have the facilities and resources to offer an extensive athletics program. I did not see the younger middle school games to see the racial makeup to the teams. I would not be surprised if they were only made up of regular students, based on the fact that Flight won all the games. The JV and Varsity (boys in particular) had several talented basketball players. Had they been recruited, and/or offered scholarships? The private education given to these young men would be an excellent ministry for the school…though the lesson learned from having starters full-court press, fast-break, and shoot three-pointers while up by 40 points is lost on me.

I laughed when I saw that Flight plays North Cobb twice more in the next week. More fun!

I want everyone to play by the same rules. God, why isn't life fair? Perhaps it's ok if everyone isn't just like me.

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