Monday, November 28, 2011

December Reading List

Heaven is for Real: a Little Boy’s Astounding Story of his Trip to Heaven and Back”, by Todd Burpo. New York Times bestseller. Ceil read it on the trip to Macon, and perhaps Anna can read it as well.

“The Last Juror”, by John Grisham

Peaks and Valleys: Making Good and Bad Times Work for You – at Work and in Life”, by Spencer Johnson, author of “Who Moved my Cheese”.

“The Last Patriot” by Brad Thor. Compared by some to The da Vinci Code, the thriller involves radical Islam, Mohammad, Thomas Jefferson, and present-day character Scott Harvath, a counter-terrorism expert. I read at least one of his earlier books: “State of the Union.”

"American Steel: Hot Metal Men and the Resurrection of the Rust Belt”, by Richard Preston. The story of the startup of Nucor Crawfordsville, where Dic Dac and his buddy Mark Millett played major roles. Millett was recently CEO of Steel Dynamics, where he and Dic work.

I’m thinking about adding a “BOOKS” tab at the top of my blog, to show the books I’ve read AND want to read. That way I’ll have a handy reference point, where I can quickly looks up books on my list.

Dic Dac’s son Chase has changed his major to Philosophy and Religion, and these days is eagerly devouring books. I need to come up with a reading list for him, and perhaps take him some books at Christmas. This week I’ll mail him a copy of Andy’s little book (Since Nobody’s Perfect) How GOOD is Good Enough?”

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