Sunday, February 14, 2016

Places I've Flown

I don’t consider myself a frequent flyer, but when I made a list of all the places I’ve flown, it really adds up over the past 34 years. At the risk of jinxing myself, I have only paid for one airline ticket for myself – for my honeymoon. Have I posted this list before?

Bermuda (honeymoon)
Boston (vacation)
Charlotte (vacation)
Charlotte to Little Rock (work)
Charlotte to NYC (vacation)

Chicago at least twice (work) (vacation)
Columbia to Atlanta (honeymoon)
Dallas several times (work)
Dallas to Chicago (redirected)
Dayton (work)

Greensboro several times (work)
Houston Bush (work)
Houston Hobby (work)
Indianapolis at twice (work) (vacation)
Indy to San Francisco (vacation)

Jacksonville at least twice (work) (interview)
Little Rock numerous times (work)
Little Rock to Dallas (redirect)
Little Rock to Houston (redirect)
Los Angeles (vacation)

Louisville (work)
Miami (“work”)
Memphis (work)
Memphis to Little Rock (work)
Nashville to Atlanta (vacation)

New York City to Atlanta (vacation)
Phoenix (vacation)
Phoenix to Nashville (vacation)
Richmond (work)
San Francisco (vacation)

Shreveport (work)
Tampa (work)
Tulsa several times (work)
Tulsa to Dallas (redirect)

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