Friday, April 23, 2010

Dic Dac on Discovery

Ceil called Wednesday night at 10:20, right after cousin Dic Dac was on the Discovery Channel. He got more air time than anyone else. Ceil said his wife Debbie had emailed about the show. Ceil took her iPod, so she can get emails. Sometimes cell service isn't that good on Jekyll.

Tuesday Will called, and wanted to talk to everyone, including Matthew. He said the first week went real good.

I got Ceil, Anna, and Matthew up to living yesterday right at 5 am. Matthew couldn't sit for being so excited. Anna was in charge of numbering the vans. All the older students had left the day before, so it made the departure take longer than they had hoped. I stuck around until they loaded the cars around 5:45.

Ceil thought she was riding with her friend Mary Hurt, but they had her assigned with another lady. Last night Ceil said she did get to ride with Mary the last half of the trip. One time they got to talking, then they looked back to discover they had sped up and left the caravan behind!

When they got to Jekyll they immediately went down to the park at the south end of the island...where there's the weakest cell service. They ate lunch there, then divided into teams, and conducted their dissections (cow's hearts, I think). Will was a lead instructor for that.

I think they even ate dinner last night at the park. It's a nice place, shaded by dozens of huge Live Oak trees. Back at the hotel last night Will and the older kids put on Night One of the skit I wrote. Ceil said it went real good, that since the high schoolers had put on the same skit last week, this time they're more relaxed and doing better. Will plays the lead role!

Sounds like the two bowls of sugary cereal Matthew had for breakfast today have him acting up. However unlikely, I might have to go get him.

Couldn't believe my parents planned such a big trip, driving to Iowa and back through Mississippi, gone for two weeks. I have so much to do, I doubt I'll get it all done before Ceil gets back.

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