Friday, May 25, 2012

History Repeats Itself

Will and David Norman were recruited to play on young Rob Kelly’s slow pitch softball team…for SPdL. They still play at Northside Drive Baptist Church in Buckhead. That’s where Steve Norman and I used to play (and David Hurt and Don Head). The field is tiny, and Will said he got a triple. Two other buddies played: Josiah George and David Rajecki. Rajecki (son of the old UGA kicker) said Will could play for his softball team at UGA.

Several years ago at Edie’s reception in the SPdL fellowship hall, mom Nancy Kelly pushed young Rob up to meet Lang. Rob was embarrassed. As always, Lang was very gracious and engaging.

Claire says one of her babies made the cut in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”…while being held by Cameron Diaz. Said you can even hear her coo.

I’d like to paint the garage, but I haven’t started planning. Small group meets/eats Monday night. Ceil says she wants to do something fun. I guess a trip to France and two beach trips aren’t enough.

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