Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Travel Agent

My friend Lee has a 12 year old son Daniel…Matthew’s friend. Not big into sports. What he loves is when the family travels with Lee and stays in hotels, on “work vacations.” Through the internet Daniel has made himself an expert on hotels and travel.

For their family summer vacation this year Lee handed Daniel his credit card and let him plan the whole thing. Daniel bid for all the rooms on Priceline, etc. Sometime in June they fly to Denver (for Lee’s work). The rest is vacation: Four Corners New Mexico, Las Vegas, and San Antonio. Daniel’s only regret: he’s not satisfied with the Vegas hotel Priceline placed them in. Lee has stayed there, and says it’s very nice.

Rajecki is a good kid. They were teammates when Will was ten. David was the best player on the team, a stud. When he cut the sleeves off his jersey, all the other boys wanted to as well. It was hilarious.

Our grill is broke, so Ceil cooked burgers inside on Friday night. The neighborhood pool opened, so Matthew and I went for a swim both Friday and Saturday night. Friday night C and A walked the dog up to the pool, then back. Saturday night we went to Willys, then had brownies and ice cream for MC’s birthday. Sunday night C brought home a PaPaJohns pizza.

Monday night we went over to a friend’s house for a burger/dog cookout. Their 12 year old son was sick, so three other families backed out. Earlier I had run errands: haircut, oil change, car wash, dollar store, check air in tires, and pick up Anna from her sleepover.

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