Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Melky Did It Again

Bad times for the Braves. Melky’s error. Ainkel’s struggles gives Nate playing time. He hit the ball well Sunday. Will KK get another start? Now is when Medlin’s injury really hurts. See where he’s got a blogspot blog, devoted to his recovery?

All the bad rec baseball I’m seeing this fall made me think about the younger kids, and all that inactivity. Speaking of, Will’s still not crazy about jumping back into the ECB pressure-cooker. If not, he could play with his Crown spring team, though $750 for 20 games would be unreasonable.

I usually don't check my work email over the weekend, but thought I might get extra baseball info, so I was glad I did. I read all the info, so I wasn't completely ignorant when the coach called me Monday afternoon.

Will still doesn't know what he wants to do. We had just talked about it that morning, driving back from a quick Macon trip. He has a game Tuesday, so I wanted to wait until after the game to talk more. I told the coach I'd let him know before Saturday.

The Red Sox practice a lot closer than Shamrock, but Will doesn't know if he wants the grind, as he doubts he wants to lay in college. We'll see.

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