Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Granny Shots


This morning the guys on 680 were talking about the poor shooting by GT last night – made only two three-pointers all night, on 9% shooting. Discussed shooting foul shots underhand. They couldn’t think of anyone besides Rick Barry who did this. I knew on of Barry’s sons shot underhand (Canyon, at Florida). Also Wilt Chamberlain. Also Louisville’s Chinanu Onuaku back in 2015.;!!AE29DT8V!SX2VG7MQEzXGN6XZu6oZ8nv5jUjPYR-yQ1LI7T14EuEb1pn0iWQeENQmYseKl2PIjAhu1ujaKEjotqRL1jY$

Shaq never shot granny style because he said “that’s a shot for sissies”. Actually Shaq’s father said that first. O’Neal made only 52.7% of his free throw attempts over 19 seasons. Just think how many points he would’ve scored had he made 25% more of his shots he would’ve been two spots higher on the scoring list. When Shaq was at LSU his coach Dale Brown wanted him to try the underhand shot, but Shaq never did.;!!AE29DT8V!UcPlxwru8utvGyVmTzRNbWF1ZjWKJDp2xDSoWylsufwBN_M6atqSP6kbUYqNGqJtyBhGKgdh8QE-zYc-VYQ$

I saw that UGAvsKY was on but instead watched the ACC Network – a special about GT  1990 Lethal Weapon 3 with Kenny Anderson, Brian Oliver, and Dennis Scott. Interviews with Bobby Cremins, Perry Clark, Malcolm Mackey, Bruce Dalrymple, Terrance Moore, Randy Waters, Kevin Cantwell, and others. Good stuff.

I usually only listen to books on tape, but will make an exception for really good books. C is always getting books, mostly on the Christian life. I’m almost finished with Grisham’s “The Boys From Biloxi”. Very Good. Not exactly how I figured it would end, but I’ve still got a bit to go. Since I am on Goodreads, I see what books others read, like Connie Morris, Catherine Norman, Frank Tait, Victoria Taylor, and others. Sometimes I see something they are reading that looks good, so I will read it as well. Last year I read 41 books, a new high for me. This year I should top 600 total books read.

Yesterday at work there was leftover salad and sandwiches for lunch (turkey and ham). Left work just after five and drove through Dunwoody to church for small group. I Thessalonians 2.

Lifted weights this morning. A longer session that usual since I am working from home today. Painters had started work on our new doors late Monday afternoon. They came back and finished today.

Putting climate change into perspective.;!!AE29DT8V!W9w4AaBsHYjP2PxwYTL0hcny5IKno8r6gMo-PKwzfUZGZIZvWKPY5OEtfzdJd4tl-Oe3NCopb-pWXMZSBtU$

According to a MIT scientist, the multi-trillion dollar net zero plan to irradicate climate change will not only be ineffective, it will actually lead to the end of civilization as we know it.;!!AE29DT8V!UMzxa-LhLdzaiJVADJhjemiJrOpRcx3mtnkPHXfeelAj1rDI7izhr5iOUo-dSWkvGstAGO_G8djYad9fL30$

DENISON: a lawsuit against Christian school was dismissed. 

AL ROSEN  [SABR Bio] is the only third baseman to win the American League Most Valuable Player award unanimously, in 1953. He is the last American League player to homer twice in an All-Star game, in 1954. He once stole home with Yogi Berra behind the plate, as part of a triple steal on 15-Jul-1952 when pitcher Bob Kuzava was caught off guard.

Great movie endings: when Tootsie takes off her wig and makeup on live TV, and Breakfast Club when Judd Nelson leaves school. The last 30 minutes of Crazy Stupid Love is a laugh riot.

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