Sunday, October 15, 2023

Dawgs Win, But...

 ...Brock Bowers sprained his ankle. With two weeks before the Florida game, perhaps he'll be ready.

McConkey had a big day. 
We drove to North Carolina for the day, an hour northeast of Asheville. Beautiful day.
After checking out the artist market in Spruce Pines, we drove over to Bakerstown.
Courthouse with the phrase "In God We Trust" in a very liberal area.
Judy's Beauty Shop.
Drove down to Asheville. Couldn't decide where to eat, then drove past a place that looked good. 
Guy taking our order recognized my Stripers cap. He had spent time in Athens.
Noticed a cool pair of sneakers. I think I'd seen them online, but never out in the wild.
This morning at church two cars were parked next to each other with plates almost in sequential order. 

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