Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CNN on Romney

Ceil had a doctor’s appointment Monday morning, and she was feeling puny the rest of the day. I went home shortly before three and took Matthew to his appointment. He’s looking for ways to earn money to save for a car. Anna wasn’t feeling well either. She didn’t want to go to Moes. Since it was Moe Monday, I upgraded my usual taco to a burrito, and stuffed myself. M devoured his on the way home.

I hung out with Ceil on the couch, watching the CNN special on Mitt Romney. Appeared they went out of their way to dig up old enemies. CNN ran commercials on a similar Obama special. Wonder if they’ll interview any of his enemies?

I knew I wouldn’t catch much of the Braves game Monday night, but I did see the first few innings.  

My car seems to run better (sound better) when I’m by myself. I can hear the tires when I have a passenger. Probably just jinxed my car.

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