Thursday, September 08, 2011

August Thrift Store Recap

Don’t know if I’m doing good or bad on my resolution to curtail my thrift store purchases. Spent almost forty dollars in August, on five items we “needed,” two things to sell, and four other items.

Black dress shoes: I’d been wearing the same pair for two years. They were well worn, with broken shoestrings. This new hard rubber soled pair is definitely an upgrade, at an unbeatable six dollars.

When Matthew decided to play baseball, he needed equipment. Got him a decent Louisville Slugger bat for practice, and a pair of black Nike cleats that he’s happy with. Also traded a brown leather Mizuno glove he didn’t like for a black one he did.

At the Sandy Springs Goodwill Will and Matthew nabbed wool sweaters (Will has already worn his to school). Ceil bought two vintage children’s books.

Air Jordan’s: I’ve been happily hanging out with the old pair I secured for two bucks. Though it’s doubtful they’ll get much wear, they’re fun to look at.

Vintage Catfish Hunter baseball glove: Bought for 85 cents, I should be able to easily sell this antique for over ten times that amount.

Nike Braves navy pullover (new): Another item purchased with an eye toward selling. At worst, it can keep me warm at the park.

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