Sunday, November 02, 2014

Things the Mature Don't Do

What people should stop doing when they turn thirty, by Robert Locke for Speaks to me and others I know. Good advice for those under 30 as well.

1. Stop spending money extravagantly.
2. Stop dithering about job or career moves.
3. Stop using social media too much (get real friends).
4. Stop posting silly things on Facebook (photos of you partying).
5. Stop thinking about past failures.
6. Stop texting while driving.
7. Stop sleeping in on weekends. Get more regular sleep.
8.  Stop having hangovers – they’re a waste of time.
9. Stop having toxic relationships.
10. Stop making excuses about not exercising.
11. Stop eating fast food.
12. Stop closing your mind to certain beliefs and ideas (quotes Carl Sagan. Right!).
13. Stop driving recklessly.
14. Stop playing video games so much.
15. Stop adding new tattoos.

Book that might be interesting: Susan Cain’s “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.”

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