Friday, March 16, 2018

Blind Hog Finds Nut

One of my "extra" job duties is to find ways to get rid of old material, due to my knowledge of our system. Almost every month the GM gives me a short list of 2 or 3 items, and I do my best to get rid of them. If fact just today I helped get rid of a truckload of dormant material.

Not sure how but today an email came out about a program about getting rid of slow moving stock. Evidently something I did last month hit the right radar screen, and I was awarded a $200.00 gift card. Now I can spring for that Braves jersey I don't need. Actually Ceil needs new glasses, so I guess the gift card pays for that.

Told a joke that two people didn't think was funny. I should've known better.

Like so many issues in the world today it is hard to get an accurate take on what was right and wrong about this week's student walkout. Hours of reading and research, and vetting to make sure the information is accurate and not biased or slanted. So I don't know what to think.

If students are allowed to walk out of class to protest school shootings, can they walk out to protest other issues as well? Abortion? Russian Election hacking? Deflate-gate? When will they learn their schoolwork?

Is the issue gun control? Is the protest that current laws aren't actually enforced? Should the protest be that security guards hired to protect students aren't doing their jobs? If schools are gun free zones, the shooter broke that rule. I'm even hearing stories that the shooter really didn't shoot. Seems like students should also protest media bias and fake news reporting - like the "crisis actors" posing as students (David Hogg). Or is that fake as well? These days its hard to know if what you're reading is true.

Nice to know so many of America's teenagers are up to speed on the intracies of national issues, and who is to blame for the problem. So if guns are outlawed the problem is solved? If rape is the problem should sex be outlawed? No gunshots were fired on 9/11 but 3000 died. And several of the protests turned violent.

I read where after WW2 soldiers were allowed to take home their automatic rifles, that could fire numerous rounds at a time. While those weapons may be a far cry from the automatic weapons of today, we went decades without all these school shootings. Guns are not the problem. Enforcing current laws would help tremendously. Close loopholes so 18 year olds can't purchase weapons already ruled illegal off the internet. Most of the shooters were over 21 anyway.

Of course, while I'm ok with regular people owning regular firearms, they have no need for the automatic weapons used in war. Even the NRA would agree that illegal firearms should not be possessed by citizens. Gun lovers are all about safety and precaution.

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