Friday, October 05, 2012

Legos & Cans of Corn

Matthew has always liked Legos. He will take the time to sit and build and play with the characters. Even though he is 13, he got a big Lego set for Christmas last year. When his friend came over a few nights ago, they dumped out all the Legos on the living room floor. There are all still there, of course.

Left right at 4 pm Friday to be home in time for the start of the Braves game. Haven’t heard if Will is going to the game. He may be coming home again this weekend.  Ted Turner was at Friday’s game.

The NFL or even NBA would never start a playoff game on a weekday at 5 pm eastern time. The MLB is continuously making poor decisions like that. Why not wait a day and play the games on Saturday? Are they worried about going up against college football?

Reid saw Heisman Trophy winner Frank Sinkwich play for Georgia, against Georgia Tech.

Both the Babe & the Hammer hit their 714th home runs while playing for the Braves. Ruth started his career with the AL Boston Red Sox, & ended it playing for the NL Boston Braves. Aaron started his career with the NL Milwaukee Braves & ended it playing for the AL Milwaukee Brewers. Similar to the amazing coincidences between Lincoln and Kennedy.

Saw Aaron play (and homer). Also saw the Red Sox, Yankees, and Brewers play, but never saw Ruth play. Also in attendance when Barry Bonds hit his 758th homer, in San Francisco.   

Can of corn: an easy to catch, high fly ball. Back in the days of small grocery stores, cans were stocked on high shelves. When a customer needed a particular can, the grocer would knock the can off the high shelf with a stick, and catch it in his apron. Old time announcers used the analogy for high pop flies.

My father in law used to run a small grocery in his tiny SC town. The shelves weren’t that high, but father in law did wear an apron. I used to get lots of baseball cards from that store.

I’ll have to check out Lucky Burger. Didn’t feel super great Wednesday night, perhaps because I ate lunch at 11 am and supper at 7:30 pm. Watched the debate until 10 pm, then went to bed.

At lunch Thursday I went to Kroger during lunch to get stamps. Bought a PowerAde, and forgot the stamps. Trying to get caught up at work. I keep getting close, but never caught up.

Read in the AJC that the Optimist was named one of the top restaurants in the country by Esquire magazine.

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